Healing Prayer

Here are some free PDF resources and articles you are welcome to download for your personal reading on healing prayer: 

Transformation and Inner Healing – Articles and testimonies on Jesus’ amazing healing work in our hearts and lives.

For more testimonies of inner healing, written by my friends and me, please visit Kerri Johnson Ministries. (This link will open a new window at Kerri Johnson Ministries website.)

Desert Fathers and Mothers – Through a Christian history class, this was my first introduction to the spiritual practices of the 4th-century Desert Fathers. Little did I know that centering prayer would soon become a core practice in our ministry of inner healing.

Spiritually Minded, Earthly Good – In this paper, I applied my reading of the Desert Fathers and centering prayer to a practical life of spiritual holiness and heart transformation.

Reflections on Healing – This reflection paper considers five different aspects of healing prayer. This paper is offered as a starting point for individuals who are interested in exploring healing prayer. While this paper considers biblical and theological perspectives, it is written in non-scholarly language.

Does God Heal In Utero Wounding – Theological Application – I know from experience that God heals in utero wounding (areas of emotional and spiritual wounding we experienced in the womb that still affect us today). I took the opportunity in this class paper to explore the theological understandings behind this experience.